Oriental Rug Cleaning Near Me

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Oriental Rug Cleaning Near Me

Home Remedies for Cleaning Oriental Rugs

There are instances when the old-fashioned way of doing things outshines any new or modern convenience, and the best way to wash a woolen Oriental rug is to do it as it’s been achieved through the centuries – by hand. For centuries, Persian, Chinese and Turkish rugs rinsed with buckets of water were scrubbed out the home, and put in the sun to dry. When revitalizing a carpet even modern-day carpet cleaners revert to aspects of the method. 

If your carpet is small enough to lift, and you have a patio or driveway and a hose, pull on your wellies and get to work. Cleaning is the best way to clean and preserve your carpet.

Identify the type of dirt and dust while vacuuming as follows:


Invisible particles

This is the sort of dirt that people are unable to be seen with our bare eyes. Dirt and these dust can harm the health of an individual. It can lead to issues, when any those particles.


Visible Particles

This dirt is visible to our naked eyes like sand, fur and hair, etc..


Large Particles

This is the largest type of dirt that can be obviously been seen by people like candy wrappers, hair tie, stapler bullets, coins, leaves torn paper, paper hole punch and paper clips.

Check for Dust and Dirt

Turn your carpet over at one corner. Conquer on with your hand and look for dust and dirt to splash out of the nap. If you can see it, it is time. Rub your hand for many seconds repeatedly across the wool fibers. It’s time if your hand gets dirty. Separate the pile and examine each fiber’s base. It’s time, if you see dirt.

Prepare for the Rug Bath

Vacuum the carpet well. Raise the brush amount of the machine, if possible, to prevent pulling on the fibers. Vacuum in the direction of the heap, not. Turn the carpet over and vacuum the back as well. Do not vacuum the fringe, as it might pull away from the carpet base if it is not part of the weave. Use warm water to wash any stains.

Washing the Carpet

It’s best to plan to clean the carpet on a sunny day, taking advantage of the sun’s heat to dry the carpet. Bring the carpet out. Until the rug is saturated, hose it down on either side. Using a detergent meant for clothes, massage the soap to the wool. Do not use an solution, and stay away from rough brushes. Kneeling down, let your hands wash the carpet, as you would when washing your hair. Turn the carpet over and wash the reverse side.

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A Good Rinse

A hose fitted with an adjustable nozzle removes the soapy water best. It’ll take some time to get out all the soap, but don’t stop until the suds have disappeared. Do the same on the reverse side, rinse the rest side and turn over it again one more time. Use a squeegee, pulled in the direction of the rest, to remove as much water as possible.

Dry Completely

Plan a time to put the rug on a dry area of the driveway or patio and let it soak up the heat rays of the sun. This may take all day, or two days, but it is imperative that the carpet to get completely dry. Hanging a carpet over a railing or on a clothesline might help reduce dew accumulation and morning fog if you need to leave the carpet out to dry for over a day. Wet wool doesn’t smell good. Be certain the reverse side gets its time in the sun. Rough the rest and feel the fibers’ base to check for dryness. Separate the fringe with your hand until it straight.

The Last Touch

When the rug is totally dry, rough the fibers with your hand to bring them vertical. Run the base of the carpet in addition to a vacuum cleaner over the rest side. When you have cleaned the carpet pad and the floor underneath, bring your carpet back into its dwelling.

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Available from 10:00 am – 07:00 pm

Address: 2248 Broadway #1111 New York NY 10024
Email: info@carpetcleaning.nyc